Red Carpet

Red Carpet. A hotel in Berlin that I've stayed in a few times is part of an apartment block, one of many in the city that feature a small internal courtyard. The lift to the fourth floor emerges onto an open balcony with a vertiginous view to the courtyard below. Well, I got used to it after a day or two and felt I should try to capture it in the camera. Nighttime was best because of the ground-level lighting and the more saturated colours, though it did mean that the outside of the image was in almost complete darkness and needed a lot of shadow recovery from the RAW file. Once again the old 20mm manual focus Nikkor came up trumps, and the edge of the balcony made a convenient resting place for the camera. The light in the room at the top of the picture was turned out after this shot, making the window arrangement a bit too symmetrical in the later images.

Technical: NIKON D800, f=20.0 mm, ISO2500, 1 sec @ f5.6

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